美國市場不實水產品標示氾濫美國政府問責局(GAO)在新出爐的報告中指出,沒有職業道德的水產品生產者與批發商坦承賣不實標示魚品(Fish Fraud),造成令人厭惡與欺騙消費者買到品質與價格不符的不開幕活動實標示水產品在美國市場四處流竄。調查發現,水產品零售商涉嫌提供極小部分的水產品樣品、魚目混珠,或先將水產品運至第三國以規避特定稅等三種手法欺騙消費者。2007年美國消費高達227萬公噸水產土地買賣品,所以不實標示魚品事件對於金融體系與健康的潛在危害實在不容小噓。國家漁業機構發言人表示,因目前佐證資料不足,尚無法評估不實標示情形有多嚴重。GAO對於主要職責是為美國食品的安全性與正建築設計確標示把關的美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA),每年卻僅檢驗2%進口水產品表示遺憾。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News NO. 6/2009,1 April 2009)‘FISH FRAUD’ RAMPANT IN THE US, REPORT 室內裝潢SAYSMislabelled seafood is swimming into US kitchens, sickening people and cheating consumers who are not gettingwhat they have paid for. Unscrupulous seafood producers and 酒店打工distributors are committing ‘fish fraud’, says a newreport by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO). The investigators found, seafood merchants cheatcustomers in three 景觀設計main ways: By providing portions that are too small, giving the wrong species of fish, orsidestepping country specific taxes by first shipping the seafood through intermediate G2000countries.With Americans consuming 2.27 million MT of seafood in 2007, fish fraud has the potential for significantfinancial and health damage. How much of fish fraud is occurring 酒店經紀is unclear, since data is scarce, a spokesman forthe National Fisheries Institute, said. The Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for ensuring that USfood is safe and 燒烤properly labelled, checks only 2% of imported seafood annually, according to the GAO report.

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